Annotation:Eliza of Perth
X:1 T:Eliza of Perth M:C L:1/8 R:Reel S:Rev. Luke Donnellan – “Oriel Songs and Dances", S:Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society (vol. II, No. 2, 1909; No. 84) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Emin (no accidental on orginal) e2 ed Bcdf|e(cc)c dBGB|e2 ed BcdB|GABG eaag:| g2 dg Bgdg|f2 fg aeef|g2 dg BgdB|dBGB eaaf| g2 dg Bgdg|f2 fg aeef|gaba gfge|dBGB ea ag||
ELIZA OF PERTH. Irish, Reel (cut time). E Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. "Eliza of Perth" is contained in the music manuscript collection of curate and fiddler biography:Rev. Luke Donnellan (1878-1952), Oriel region, south Ulster[1]
- ↑ Donnellan researcher Gerry O'Connor came to believe the ms. is not the work of the curate but rather was originally compiled by an unknown but able fiddler over the course of a playing lifetime, probably in the late 19th century. The ms. later came into the possession of Donnellan, who was also a fiddler.