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Annotation:General Hamilton's March

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X:1 T:General Hamilton’s March M:2/4 L:1/8 R:March B:A. Robinson Jr. - ”Massachusetts collection of martial musick: containing a B:plain, easy and concise introduction to the grounds of martial musick” B:(Exeter, 1820, p. 36) B: https://archive.org/details/massachusettscol00exet/page/64/mode/2up Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D V:1 A/B/4c/4|dd/e/ de|f/g/a ab|a/a/g/f/ g/g/f/e/ |f/e/d/c/ df| eA/A/ Ae|dB/B/ Bd|(3c/d/e/ (3f/g/a/ cB|Ac/A/ B/G/^G/E/|Ac/A/ d/B/^G/E/| AA/A/ A^G|A3:||:A/B/4c/4|dd/e/ f/e/d/=c/|{c}B3 B/c/4^d/4|ee/f/ g/f/e/d/| {d}cB/c/ A/a/a/a/|b/g/Tg a/f/Tf|g/e/Te f/d/Td|(3B/c/d/ (3e/f/g/ fTe| df/d/ g/e/c/A/|df/d/ g/e/c/A/|dd/d/ dc|d3:| V:2 A|FF/A/ FA|d/e/f fg|f/f/e/d/ e/e/d/c/|dA Fd| cc/c/ cc|B^G/G/ GB|(3A/B/c/ (3d/e/f/ A^G|Aa g/d'/b/^g/|aa f/d'/b/^g/| ac/c/ cB|A3:||:A|FF/A/ dD|G/g/d/B/ GF|EG BG| AG F/f/f/f/|g/e/Td f/d/Td|e/A/TA d/F/TF|G (3G/A/B/ AA| Da/f/ be'/c'/|d'a/f/ be'/c'/|d'f/f/ fTe|d3:|

GENERAL HAMILTON'S MARCH. American, March (2/4 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The title may refer to Alexander Hamilton (c. 1755-1804) who was a Major General, not during the American War of Independence (where he rose to the rank of Colonel) but rather at the end of the 18th century when but tensions rose against France. Hamilton returned to the Army in July, 1798, with the rank of a general and served as the Army's inspector general and second in command to Washington, keeping the appointment until 1800. The march appears to be unique to Robinson's martial collection.

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Printed sources : - A. Robinson Jr. (Massachusetts collection of martial musick: containing a plain, easy and concise introduction to the grounds of martial musick), Exeter N.H., 1820; p. 36.

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