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Annotation:Injin Rubber Overcoat

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X:1 T:Injin Rubber Overcoat M:2/4 L:1/8 B:Thomas F. Briggs - "Briggs' Banjo Instructor" (1855, p. 28) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D d/|=c B A/A/ z|A/>d/ ^G A/>d/ G|=c B A/A/ z|A/>A/ E D2|=c B A/A/ z|A/>d/ ^G A/>d/ G| =c B A/A/ z|A/>A/ E D2|:D/>d/ (E/D/) (F/A/) z|D/>d/ E F/D/ z|D/>d/ (E/D/) (F/A/) z|(3A/d/F/ E F/D/ z:|

INJIN RUBBER OVERCOAT[1]. American, Minstrel Tune (2/4 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABB.

Additional notes

Printed sources : - Thomas F. Briggs (Briggs' Banjo Instructor), 1855; p. 28. Frank Converse's Banjo Preceptor (1855).

Recorded sources : - Smithsonian Folkways RecordsSFW40600 - "Ears of the People: Ekonting Songs from Senegal and The Gambia" (2023. "Injin Rubber Overcoat" played on the ekonting, thebanjo’s African relative). Timothy Twiss - "The Grape Vine Twist" (2008).

See also listing at :
Hear the tune played on banjo by Angela Wellman at YouTube.com [1]
Hear the tune played (fast and slow) by Tim Twiss on banjo at Youtube.com [2]

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