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Annotation:King's Fancy (2) (The)

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X:1 T:Hoffedd y Brenhin T:King’s Fancy [2], The M:C| L:1/8 R:Air N:"Moderate" N:”Possibly the tune alludes to King Henry the Seventh, grandson N:of Owen Tudor, who had experienced the affection of the Welsh N:towards him at Bosworth-field; consequently, he reformed those N:unmerciful laws which were enacted against the Welsh by his N:predecessors, and granted them a Charter of Liberty, the same N:as the English.” B:Edward Jones – The Bardic Museum (1802, p. 95) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F cdef gefd|cdef gcde|fFAc fcAF|{cde}f2c2A2F2| B2 d_e f2e2|Td4 d2c2|B2 Bc dcBA|G4 G2F2| E2F2G2A2|(B3c) dcBA|B2G2G2A2|G2GA BABG| (F2c2) BAGF|(E3f) GABG|A4 A2G2|F6 z2:| |:d2B2B2c2|BdcB AcBA|Bcd_e fdec|BdcB cBcA| BABG cBcA|dcdB _edec|BdcB cBcA|TG4 G2F2| _E2F2G2A2|(B3c) dcBA|B2G2G2A2|G2 GA BABG| (F2c2) BAGF|(E3F) GABG|A4 (A2G2)|F6 z2:|]

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