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Annotation:Manchester Hornpipe (1)

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X:1 T:Manchester Hornpipe [1] T:Ricketts Hornpipe A:N. Shropshire L:1/8 M:4/4 N:aka The Manchester, Yarmouth, etc. written 'dotted'. NeilB. S:J. Jones MS, 1801, N. Shrops., no. JJo. 027 Z:Neil Brookes 2006 %%TBL:{"version":"beta","type":"tune","id":"9628"} F:http://jc.tzo.net/~jc/music/abc/mirror/tunebook.org.uk/tunebook.abc K:C GA/B/|c>Bc>G E>Gc>e|d>cB>A G>Bd>f|f>ed>c B>Af>d|B>cd>B G>fe>d|! {d}c>Bc>G E>Gc>e|d>cB>A G>Bd>f|e>ge>c d>fd>B|c2c2c2:|! |:e>f|g>ee>c c>ee>g|a>ff>d B>dd>f|g>ee>c a>fd>c|B>cA>B G>fe>d|! c>Bc>G E>Gc>e|f>ed>c B>AG>F|E>ge>c D>fd>B|[c2E2][c2E2][c2E2]:|

MANCHESTER HORNPIPE [1]. AKA and see "Ashley's Hornpipe (2)," "Hastton's Hornpipe," "Lawson's Hornpipe (1)," "Lincoln Hornpipe," "Morning Fair," "One Eyed Fiddler," "Rickett's Hornpipe," "Sailor's Hornpipe (2)," "New College Hornpipe (1) (The), "Quadrille de Berthier 3ème partie," "Yarmouth Hornpipe (1)." English, Scottish, Irish; Hornpipe. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB (most versions): AB (Honeyman). Although key of 'D' versions predominate the hornpipe is sometimes played in the key of 'G'. The tune was widely popular in the British Isles under a variety of titles and appears in numerous fiddler's manuscripts from the very early 19th century. Lincolnshire musician Joshua Gibbons included it in his 1823-26 music manuscript book simply as "Hornpipe No. 101," set in the key of 'F' major (Gibbons has another tune called "Manchester Hornpipe," but it is unrelated). Other versions appear as "Yarmouth Hornpipe (1)" in George H. Watson's (Swanton Abbott, Norfolk) manuscript of 1850-1880, and, as an untitled tune (No. 997) in the large c. 1850 collection of Manchester musician John Roose. Honeyman (1898) notes it should be played as a "Newcastle Style" hornpipe, a style he highlights in his tutor.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - the 1823-26 music mss of papermaker and musician Joshua Gibbons (1778-1871, of Tealby, near Market Rasen, Lincolnshire Wolds) [Sumner].

Printed sources : - Craig (The Empire Collection of Hornpipes), c. 1890's; p. 3. Honeyman (Strathspey, Reel and Hornpipe Tutor), 1898; p. 43. Kennedy (Fiddlers Tune Book vol. 1), 1951; No. 10, p. 5. Kerr (Merry Melodies, vol. 1), c. 1880; No. 11, p. 43. J. Kenyon Lees (Balmoral Reel Book), 1910; p. 31. McDermott (Allan's Irish Fiddler), c. 1920's, No. 103, p. 26. Raven (English Country Dance Tunes), 1984; p. 159. Sumner (Lincolnshire Collections, vol. 1: The Joshua Gibbons Manuscript), 1997; p. 58 (appears as "Hornpipe No. 101"). Jean White (100 Popular Hornpipes, Reels, Jigs and Country Dances), Boston, 1880; p. 2.

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