MISS WILHELMINA MACDOWAL'S REEL--OF ARNDILLY. AKA - "Miss W. MacDowal of Arndilly." Scottish, Reel. C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. Composed by William Marshall (1748-1833), and one of several of his tunes dedicated to the MacDowal Grant family. Miss Wilehlmina was the daughter of David McDowell Grant of Arndilly House, a Morayshire chateau situated bty the River Spey at the foot of Ben Aigan in a wooded area. The father was a land improver whose daughter was baptised in 1804 (Moyra Cowie, The Life and Times of William Marshall, 1999).Arndilly House Arndilly House lies to the north of Craigellachie in Moray.
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Printed sources : - Marshall, Fiddlecase Edition, 1978; 1822 Collection, p. 44. Stewart-Robertston (The Athole Collection), 1884; p. 79.