T:Moonlight Girl
N:A version of "The Girl I left behind Me)
N:From the playing of fiddler Joseph Lambert Livers (1926-2016), recorded at a
N:fiddler's contest in Taylor County, Kentucky, May, 1992, by Bruce Greene.
N:Livers, of Jessietown, Marion County, central Ky., remained a farmer
N:all his life, supporting a large family. He had a lively interest in music (and
N:owned sixty fiddles) and competed in regional fiddle contests.
Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz
g2|e2d2B2GG|ABAG E2JB2|GGBG GGB2 |(Ad)dd d2gd|
eged BGBG|ABAG E2(E[FA]-|[FA])FAF DEFF|D[GB]-[GB][GB] [G2B2]:|
D-E|GGBB dded|gdgg edBA| GDGG B2 d2 |e3f- e2gg|
eged BAGG|ABAG E2(E[FA]-|[FA])FAF DEFF|D[GB]-[GB][GB] [G2B2]||
(Joseph) Lambert Livers (1926-2016), Jessietown, Marion County, Ky.MOONLIGHT GIRL. AKA - "Girl I Left Behind Me (1) (The)." American, Reel (cut time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. "Moonlight Girl" is a fast breakdown setting of the well-known "Girl I Left Behind Me (1) (The)." The source for the tune is Marion County, central Ky., fiddler Joseph Lambert Livers (1926-2016) who was recorded playing the tune by folklorist Bruce Greene at a fiddle contest in Taylor County in 1992. Livers was a farmer all his life in the hamlet of Jessietown, and, like his father played the fiddle; although he owned sixty instruments, he was proudest of his father's violin. Lambert (who did not go by his middle name) came from a large family, married into a larger family, and had a large family of his own.
Additional notes
See also listing at : Hear Lambert Liver's 1992 field recording at Berea Sound Archives [1]