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Annotation:Mrs. Blair of Blair's Reel (1)

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X:1 T:Mrs. Blair of Blair's Reel [1] M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:Earl of Eglinton – New Strathspey Reels for the Piano Forte, Violin and B:Violoncello (1796, p. 3) N:Hugh Montgomerie (1739-1819) was the 12th Earl of Eglinton N:and a fiddler-composer. His collection was anonymously N:published in Edinburgh by Nathaniel Gow in 1796. K:A A(c/d/) ec Ac ec|dB =GB d/c/B/A/ GB|Ac/d/ ec Ac ec|BE EB cA A2:| ea ca ef/g/ ae|d=g dg B=G TG2|ea ca ef/g/ ae|fa Te>d cA A2| ea ca ef/g/ ae|d=g dg B=G TG2|Ac/d/ ec Ac ec|ea ca cA A2||

MRS. BLAIR OF BLAIR'S REEL [1]. Scottish, Reel (cut time). A Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. "Mrs. Blair of Blair's Reel" was composed by Hugh Montgomerie (1739-1819), the 12th Earl of Eglinton, and also an amateur fiddler-composer. His collection was anonymously published in Edinburgh by Nathaniel Gow in 1796. See note for "annotation:Mrs. Blair of Blair's Reel (2)" for information on the Blairs.

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Printed sources : - William Campbell (Book 16th of Strathspey Reels, Waltz’s & Irish Jigs for the Harp, Piano-Forte & Violin, with their Proper Figures, as Danced at Court, Bath, Williss’s, & Hanover Square Rooms), Soho, London, 1801; p. 15. Earl of Eglinton (Hugh Montgomerie) (New Strathspey Reels for the Piano Forte, Violin and Violoncello), 1796; p. 3.

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