Annotation:Old Bell Cow (1) (The)
X: 1 T:Old Bell Cow [1] M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D "A"e2ef ecAc|e2ef ecAc|"G"d2B2G2B2|d2B2d2f2|! "A"e2ef ecAc|e2efe2ef|"G"gfgfe2d2|"E"cABc"A"A4:|! "A"A2A2E2E2|C2C2A,2A,2|C2C2E2E2|"D"FD2FD4|! "A"A2A2E2E2|C2C2A,2A,2|C2C2E2E2|"D"FD2FD4:|]
OLD BELL COW [1], THE. Old-Time, Breakdown. D Major ('A' part) & A Mixolydian ('B' part). Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The accompaniment begins on an 'A' major chord. Like several old-time tunes, there is considerable play between major and mixolydian versions (i.e. the c# notes are often played natural).