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Annotation:Reel de Joseph Larade

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X:1 T:Reel de Joseph Larade N:An untitled tune from the repertoire of Joseph Larade, Acadian N:fiddler, singer and 'brawler' from Cheticamp, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. N:The tune is a version of "Princes Royal (1)" M:C| L:1/8 Q:"Moderately Quick" R:Air D:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5-1fV9vbCQ&t=38s Z:Andrew Kuntz K:G zDGA|:S(3BcB AB G4|(3BcB AB G4|BddB d3d|egdB- c2ec-| B2 dB- A2 {cd}cA|{A}GFGE D3c|BAGB AF-GE|1D2G2 G4:|2 D2G2G3|| |:f|gdga gdga|{a}b2B2 {c}BA B2|g-a-ab agfd|fa (3gfe d4| B-c c/c/c c-d d/d/d|edef gefg|a2 d2 f-aag|fage d3c-| B2 dB- A2 {Bc}BA|GFGE D3c|BAGB AF-GE|1D2G2 G3:|2 D2G2G4S||

A young Joseph Larade of Cheticamp, Cape Breton, N.S, playing for a dance.
REEL DE JOSEPH LARADE. French-Canadian, Reel (cut time). Canada, Cape Breton. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BB'. This untitled reel was in the repertory of Acadian fiddler, singer and 'brawler' Joseph Athanase Larade of the francophone community of Cheticamp, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Larade was able to sing and accompany himself on the fiddle at the same time. Folklorist Father Anselme Chiasson recorded Joseph A. Larade’s music onto cassette in the late 1950's, albeit the majority collected were songs.

Larade's untitled tune is a unique version of "Princess Royal (1) (The)", usually attributed to the Irish bard O'Carolan, but which may have been an English country dance tune called "New Princess Royal" printed by John Walsh in London in the 1730's.

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See also listing at :
See/hear the tune played by Devon & Dejah Leger at youtube.com [1]

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