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Annotation:Reel de Napoléon (2)

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X:1 T:Reel de Napoléon [2] S:Isidore Soucy (Montreal, Quebec) L:1/8 M:C| D:Starr 15973 (78 RPM), Isidore Soucy (1936) F:http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/m2/f7/14586.mp3 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:C (3GAB|:c2 Bc A2GG|EG G2 cBce|g2^fg ag=fe|fedc Bcde| fefg aga2|c'2ea g2eg|cgeg cgeg|cgeg agfe| fedc BGAB|1[M:2/4]c2 GB:|1 cBcd||:[M:C|]egga (g/a/g) eg| cgeg cgga|(g/a/g) ec dBGB|defd eccd| egga (g/a/g) eg| cgeg cgga|(g/a/g) ec dBGB|1 [M:2/4]cBcd:|2 cGAB||

REEL DE NAPOLÉON [2]. AKA and see "Reel des cols rouges." French-Canadian, Reel (cut time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BB'. "Reel de Napoléon (2)" was recorded in 1936, a year before Montreal fiddler Joseph Allard recorded his own "Reel de Napoléon (1)," a different tune. However, researcher Jean Duval [1] finds that in 1933 Allard recorded a version of Soucy's "Reel de Napoléon (2)" under the title "Reel des cols rouges" (Red Collar Reel). Soucy later used some of the same melodic material for his "Gigue de ma poupoule" (1936). Duval also suggests compares with Soucy's "Zwyska", from the collection of J.A. Boucher (1933).

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Source for notated version: -

Printed sources : - Jean Duval (La Musique de Isidore Soucy 1899-1962), 2017; No. 195, p. 98.

Recorded sources: - Starr 15973 (78 RPM), Isidore Soucy (1936).

See also listing at:
Hear Soucy's 1936 recording at the Virtual Gramophone [1] [2]

Back to Reel de Napoléon (2)

  1. Jean Duval, La Musique de Isidore Soucy 1899-1962, 2017; p. 216
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