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Annotation:Reel des petits poissons Lac Kenogami

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REEL DES PETITS POISSONS LAC KENOGAMI. French-Canadian, Reel. Louis 'Pitou' Beaudrault, of Chicotimi, Quebec, was recorded by Mike Seegar and Alice Gerard in the field in 1977. Beaudrault was a carpenter and logger who would play the fiddle on the weekends for friends. Seegar & Gerard explain the title refers to a gathering of lumberjacks in the month of March at Pere Lazard Hudon's, where they would spend a week fishing for the little fish, discretely imbibe liquor, and have Pere Lazard play his fiddle. Harmony was maintained by group rules forbidding betting and intoxication, upon pain of banishment from the camp.

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Recorded sources: Voyager VRCD 322, Louis Boudreault - "Old Time Fiddler of Chicoutimi, Québec" (1977, 1993).

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