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Annotation:Tara'a Hornpipe

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X:1 T:Tara'a Hornpipe C:Donogh Hennessy D:"The Hurricane", Mark Crickard (fiddle) and Donogh D:Hennessy (guitars, mandolin, low whistles, keyboard) D:privately issued, c. 1990 R:hornpipe N:to be played slowly and in even (not dotted) time M:4/4 L:1/8 Z:Transcribed by Paul de Grae K:D D2 FA dAFD|E2 GB edcB|A2 FA fedc|dcBc dgfe| D2 FA dAFD|E2 GB edcB|A2 FA fedc|dcBc defg|| a2 ag fgaf|gfef g2 fe|df ~f2 dfed|cAA^G A3 F| G3 F GA (3Bcd|AFDF A2 GF|G2 GF GABd|ABcB AGFE||

TARA’A HORNPIPE. Irish, Hornpipe (4/4 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. Composed by tin whistle player Donogh Hennessy.

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