Annotation:Taste of Scotland (A)
X: 1 T:Taste of Scotland* (reel), A B:CRE5.172 (gan ainm) F:file ID: cre.5/203taste M:4/4 Q:180 R:reel K:Am EDAB cBA^F|G2BG dGBG|EDAB cde^f|g^fgB BAA2:| a2ea age^f|g2e^f gefg|a2ea age^f|g^fgB BAA^f| a2ea age^f|g2e^f gefg|aba^f gfef| g^fgB BAA2|]
TASTE OF SCOTLAND, A. Irish, Reel (whole time). A Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. County Leitrim musician Stephen Grier's "Reel (80)" is similar, finds researcher Conor Ward, and perhaps cognate. Fr. John Quinn explains that the made-up name comes from Breathnach’s remark that that reel has blas na hAlban on it – 'a flavour of Scotland'.