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Annotation:We are all Foresaken for want of Siller

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X:1 T:We're all forsaken for want of Silver M:9/8 L:1/8 R:Slip Jig B:David Young – Drummond Castle/Duke of Perth Manuscript (1734, No. 12) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C f|Te2d (B/c/d)B (A/B/c)A|c2e (ec)A (B/c/d)f|Te2d (B/c/d)B (A/B/c)A|Ggf dBG Bd:| |:B|c2g B2g A2g|c2e ecA (B/c/d)B|ccg BBg AAg|Ggf dBG Bd:|]

WE ARE ALL FORESAKEN FOR WANT OF SILLER. AKA - "We'r aw Forsaken for want aw Siller," "We're all forsaken for want of silver." Scottish, English; Slip Jig (9/8 time). England, Northumberland. C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Matt Seattle finds a version of this tune in London publisher John Walsh's Caledonian Country Dances, and notes a resemblance to "Hey Ca' Thro'" in passages. The melody appears earliest in the Drummond Castle Manuscript' (in the possession of the Earl of Ancaster at Drummond Castle), inscribed "A Collection of Country Dances written for the use of his Grace the Duke of Perth by Dav. Young, 1734." Edinburgh fiddler and writing master Young also included the slip jig in his MacFarlane Manuscript (c. 1741, No. 94, p. 141) . The setting in Edinburgh/London music publisher Neil Stewart's Select Collection (1784) is rather awkwardly shoe-horned into 6/8 time.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - William Vickers' 1770 music manuscript collection [1] (Northumberland) [Seattle].

Printed sources : - Seattle (Great Northern Tune Book/William Vickers), 1987, Part 2; No. 321. Neil Stewart (Select Collection of Scots, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, Jiggs & Marches), 1784; No. 57, pp. 26-27. Walsh (Caledonian Country Dances, vol. 3), 1749; No. 50. David Young (Drummond Castle/Duke of Perth Manuscript), 1734; No. 12.

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