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Annotation:Whip Her and Gird Her

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X:1 T:Whip Her and Gird Her M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:David Young – Drummond Castle/Duke of Perth Manuscript (1734, No. 1) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G GBG GB/c/d/B/|GBG TB2A|GBG GB/c/d/B/|A=FA Tc2A| GBG GB/c/d/B/|Gef gdB|cgc BgB|A=FA Tc2A:| |:g/f/e/f/g def|gdB d2e|g/f/e/f/g de=f|A=FA Tc2A| g/f/e/f/g def|gde dBG|cgc BgB|A=FA c2A:| |:BGG ADD|BGG (B/c/d/c/B/A/)|BGG ADD|cFA Tc2A| BGG ADD|BGG gdB|cgc BgB|A=FA c2A:|]

WHIP HER AND GIRD HER. AKA - “Whipper and Girder.” AKA and see "Hit Her Between the Legs," "Hoop Her and Gird Her (1)," "Jockey's a ranter and Jenny's a tearer," "Rafraichissante (La)," "Ranger's Frolick.” Scottish, Irish, English; Country Dance Tune or Jig (6/8 time). G Mixolydian (most versions): G Major (Joyce). Standard tuning (fiddle). ABC (Geoghegan): AABBCC (Young): AABBCCD (Joyce); AABBCCDD (Stewart). The melody appears in the Drummond Castle Manuscript (in the possession of the Earl of Ancaster at Drummond Castle), inscribed "A Collection of Country Dances written for the use of his Grace the Duke of Perth by Dav. Young, 1734." It was first printed by London publisher John Johnson in his Wright's Compleat Collection of celebrated country Dances, vol. 2 (1742, p. 13), and later by John Walsh (Jr.) in The Compleat Country Dancing-Master, Volume the Sixth (London, 1754, p. 145), and Neil Stewart in A Select Collection of Scots English Irish and Foreign Airs Jiggs & Marches (1788, part 1, pp. 24-25). London musician Thomas Hammersley entered it into his 1790 music manuscript collection, and Northumbrian musician William Vickers included the melody in his 1770 manuscript collection (as “Whipper and Girder”), with “Ranger's Frolick” as an alternate title. See also “Ranger's Frolick,” by which name the melody appears in English country dance collections.

See also the similar French contradanse "Rafraichissante (La)."

Additional notes

Source for notated version: - P.W. Joyce obtained the melody from the collection of Irish collector Wikipedia:John_Edward_Pigot (1822–1871).

Printed sources : - Geoghegan (Compleat Tutor for the Pastoral or New Bagpipe), c. 1745-46; p. 24. Joyce (Old Irish Folk Music and Songs), 1909; No. 722, p. 360. Neil Stewart (Select Collection of Scots, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, Jiggs & Marches), 1784; No. 53, p. 24. David Young (Drummond Castle/Duke of Perth Manuscript), 1734; No. 1.

Recorded sources: -

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