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Annotation:Willie Will You e'er Return?

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X:1 T:Willy will you e’er return T:Uilleachan, an tig thu chaoidh L:1/8 M:C R:Air and Slow Strathspey S:Fraser Collection (1816) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F f|:c>A F<d F<F c>A|c<A F>G A<c d2|c>A F<d c<F c>B|A>GF>G A<c d2:| c<A f>d c>A B<G|A<f e<d ^c>A d2|c<A f>d c<A B<G|A>GF>G A<c d2|c<A f>d c>A B<G| A>GF>G A<c d2|c<A f>d c>A B<G|A<fe<a ^c>A d2|c<A a>g f>dc>B|A>GF>G Ac d2||

WILLIE WILL YOU E'ER RETURN? (Uilleachan, an tig thu chaoidh). Scottish, Slow Strathspey (whole time). F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. "This is also and ancient air, usually sung as a rant, but the editor's progenitor sang it slow and accented, and he is informed Neil Gow performed it in that style, although he never published it" (Fraser). The tune has also been used for the song "Oran do'n Bhriogais" (A Song to the Breeches), regarding the outlawing of Highland garb following the aftermath of the Rebellion of 1745 and the suppression of the Highlands[1].

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Printed sources : - Fraser (The Airs and Melodies Peculiar to the Highlands of Scotland and the Isles), 1816; No. 210, p. 86.

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  1. John Lorne Campbell, Highland songs of the '45. Campbell also notes that the "Oran do'n..." words also scan accurately to the melody "Sean-Triubhais Uilleachain" (Willie's auld Trews - see "Sean Trews (1)")
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