Blind Man's Reel (1)

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 Theme code Index    3126L 5L363
 Also known as    Reel de l'aveugle, Reel of the Blindmen, Reel Maisonneuve (2)
 Composer/Core Source    Biography:Joseph Allard
 Region    Canada
 Genre/Style    Down-East/Maritime
 Meter/Rhythm    Reel (single/double)
 Key/Tonic of    D
 Accidental    2 sharps
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    4/4
 History    CANADA(Québec), CANADA(Ottawa Valley/Ontario)
 Structure    AA'BB'
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:Will Welling
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Welling's Hartford Tunebook
 Tune and/or Page number    p. 1
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1976
 Artist    Biography:Joseph Allard/Maxime Toupin
 Title of recording    Le reel de l'aveugle
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    Victor 263723-B (78 RPM)
 Year recorded    1930
Reel de l'aveugle, Joseph Allard, 1930
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:Reel de l'aveugle T:Blind Man's Reel R:Reel Maisonneuve [2] S:Joseph Allard (1873-1947, Montreal, Que.) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:Victor 263723b (78 RPM), Joseph Allard (1930) D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D A3G|:(F/G/F) D2 E-DB,D|A,DFA {c}BAFD|CEGB {d}cBAG|FAde fdAG| (F/G/F) D2 E-DB,D|A,DFA {c}BAFD|CEGB {c}BAGE|1DdAF D2AG:|2DdAF dcde|| |:fdAF dAFA|{c}BAGB edcB|Acde fdgf|ecdf fdef| fdAF dAFA|{c}BAGB edcB|Afed cA/A/Bc|1d2 dc dcde:|2d2 dc d2||

X:1 T:Blind Man's Reel [1] M:C| L:1/8 S:Caremelle Bégin - from a transcription of Ontario fiddler Dawson Girdwood K:D A2 zG |: FD (3DDD (ED)B,G, | A,>DF>(A B>A)F>D | C>EG>(B c>B)A>G| F>Ad>(e f>d)A>G | F2 (3DDD E>DB,>G, | A,>DF>(A BA)FD | C>EG>B c(BA>G) |1 F>(dA>F) D2 A>G:|2 F>(dA>F) D2 d>e || |: f>dA>c d>A(F>A) | B/B/AG>B e>dc>B | A>cd>e f>dg>f | e>cd>f e>cd>e| f>dA>c d>A(FA) | B/B/AG>B e>dc>B| A>fe>d c>AB>c|1 d2 {e/}d>c [D3d3]e :|2 d>ed>c d2 A>G ||

X:1 T:Reel de l'aveugle, Le T:Reel of the Blindman N:Transcribed from the playing of Jean Carignan by Carmelle Bégin N:Welch Mulvaney M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Frets Magazine, June 1988 (p. 44) K:D AG|:S"D"[F2A2] D>(D {F}ED) B>D|A,>DF>(A {c}BA)FD|"A7"C>EG>(B {d}cB)A>G|"D"F>Ade "A"{g}fdAG| "D"(FD) D/D/D {F}EDB,D|A,DF(A {c}BA)FD|"A7"CEGB {c}BAGE|1"D"DdAF D2 (AG):|2O"D"D(dAF) D2-d>e|| |:f(dAF dA)FA|"E"B>A^G>B (ed)([ce]B|"D/A"Ac)de (fd)g/g/f|"A"(ec)df (ec)de|"D"f(dAF dA)FA| "E"BA^GB e(dcB)|"D/A"A>fe>d "A"c<AB>c|1"D"d2 {e}(dc) {e}(dc) de:|2 "D"d2 {e}(dc) {e}(dB) (AG)!D.S.!|| OD>dAF [A,4D4]!fine!||