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Boil the Kettle Early (1)
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X: 1 T: Boil the Kettle Early; the Piper's Lass; Rolling in the Rye Grass; ... M: C| R: single reel (also shottish/hornpipe) N: played as 16-, 24- and 32-bar reel. S: Tome Morley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVnSqA5xFoA 2020-4-27 Z: 2020-4-28 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu> F:http://www.john-chambers.us/~jc/music/abc/Scotland/reel/Shannon_Breeze-D-16-2.abc K: D |: ABAF DFAF | G2BG dGBG | ABAF DFAF | GBAF (3EFE D2 :| |: ABde f2df | g2eg fedB | ABde f2df | afdf (3efe d2 :|