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Carmel Mahoney Mulhaire

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Carmel Mahoney Mulhaire  Click on the tune title to see or modify Carmel Mahoney Mulhaire's annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Carmel Mahoney Mulhaire
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 Theme code Index    5315L 1351H
 Also known as    Carmel Ní Mhathúna Uí Mhaoichéire, Carmel Mahoney's, Carmel Maloney Mulhaire, Brearton's, Brereton's, California Girls, Morning Mist (3), Mahoney's, O'Mahoney's, O'Mahoney's Fancy
 Composer/Core Source    Biography:Martin Mulhaire
 Region    Ireland
 Genre/Style    Irish
 Meter/Rhythm    Reel (single/double)
 Key/Tonic of    C
 Accidental    NONE
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    4/4
 Structure    AA'BB'CC'DD'
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:Bulmer & Sharpley
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Music from Ireland vol. 4
 Tune and/or Page number    No. 43
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1976
 Title of recording    
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    
 Year recorded    
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:Carmel Maloney Mulhaire M:C| L:1/8 C:Martin Mulhaire Z:transcribed by Philippe Varlet R:Reel K:C GE~E2 CEG,E|CE~E2 GAcd|ecgc acgc|~d2 fd BGAB| (3cBA (3BAG AGED|~C2 EC G,CEG|AF~F2 dGBd|1 egdB cBcA:|2 egdB c2gf|| ~e2 ed eged|ce~e2 ge~e2|c'egc' e'c'ge|(3fed (3edc dGBd| ~e2 ed eged|ce~e2 gceg|~f2 eg fagf|1 efed c2gf:|2 efed c2ef|| gG~G2 EGcd|ec'~c'2 agfe|fdd^c d=cBA|~G2 ^FA G2ef| gG~G2 EGcd|ec'~c'2 agfe|fdd^c d=cBA|1 GEFD C2ef:|2 GEFD C2GF|| EG~G2 (3EFG CE|GCEG ageg|~f2 ef (3def cA|GdBG ^FG=FG| EG~G2 (3EFG CE|GCEG ageg|~f2 ef df cd|1 BGAB cBcG:|2 BGAB cBcA||

X:1 T:O'Mahoney's M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Martin Mulhaire S:Arr. C. Ricker, learned from Denis Lanctot and Jerry S:Holland R:Reel K:DMaj dB|AF ~F2 DFBF|AF ~F2 ABde|fdad bdad|ef (3gfe cABc|! (3.d.c.B (3.c.B.A BAFE|DEFD A,DFA|BG~G2 Bcde|(3fga ec d2:|! e|f2 fa fgfe|df ~f2 af ~f|dFAd fedf|(3gag (3fgf eAce|! f2 fe fgfe|df ~f afdf|g2 ef gbag|(3fga ec d2:|! (3efg|a2 fa b2 gb|affe fgaf|gfe^d efga|ba (3ba^g agfg|! (3aaa fa (3bbb gb|af (3gfe fgaf|(3gag (3fgf ecdB|AFGE D2 D:|! G|FDDD ADFA|DFAd bafa|(3gag (3fgf (3efe (3ded|(3cdc (3BcB AFGE|! FDDD ADFA|DFAd bafa|(3gag (3fgf ecdB|AFGE D2 DG:|!

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