Cat's Bagpipes (The)
X:1 T:Jig M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig N:A version of Joyce's "Cat's Bagpipes" S:James Goodman (1828─1896) music manuscript collection, S:vol. 3, p. 142. Mid-19th century, County Cork Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D DDD FDF|ECE G2E|DDD FDF|AGF BGE| DDD FDF|ECE G2E|A2B c2A|d2A GED:| |:dAG FDF|ECE G2E|dAG FDF|AGF AGE| dAG FDF|ECE G2E|A2B c2A|d2A GED:| |:ddd fdf|ece g2e|ddd fdf|agf bge| ddd fdf|ece g2e|A2B c2A|d2A GED:| |:~A2G FDF|ECE G2E|~A2G FDF|AGF BGE| ~A2G FDF|ECE G2E|A2B c2A|d2A GEC:|]
X:1 T:Cat's Bagpipes, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig N:From the collection of lawyer John Edward Pigot (1822-1871) N:originally from County Cork. S:Joyce - Old Irish Folk Music and Songs, No. 701 (1909) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D DDD FDF | EGE GFE | DDD FDF | AFA BGE | DDD FDF | EGE GFE | AFA BGB | {B/c/d/}d2B AFD :| |: AAA FDF | EGE GFE | AAA FDF | AFA BGE | AAA FDF | EGE GFE | AFA BGB | {B/c/}d2B AFD :| |: ddd fdf | ege gfe | ddd fdf | afa bge | ddd fdf | ege gfe | AFA BGB | {B/c/}d2B AFD :| |: dAG FDF | GBG GFE | dAG FDF | AFA BGE | dAG FDF | EGE GFE | AFA BGB | {B/c/}d2B AFD :||