Colamór Súgach (An)
Colamór Súgach (An): Annotations
X:1 % T:Colamór Súgach, An M:C| L:1/8 N:the 'f' notes in the 3rd to last measure may be played sharp N:the 'c' note in the next to last measure may be played sharp R:Reel B:Roche - Collection of Traditional Irish Music vol. 3 (1927, No. 78) K:Ddor (dc)|:A2- Gc AGFD|A2- Gc Addc|(4ABcGc AGFD|Adde fdcA:|| d2-gg agge|dgge fdcA|d2-gg agge|d2-de fdcA| d2-gg agge|dgge f2 fg|afge fdec|dfec dcAG||
Colamór Súgach (An): Annotations