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Cold and Raw
X:1 T:Cold and Raw M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:110 R:Jig H:Many lyrics were set to the tune, all having in common the metaphorical H:themes of strong ale, and of "selling barley", the feminine equivalent H:of "sowing wild oats" H:In 1688 a "new Scotch song" set to the tune H:appear. Written by D'Urfey, it began "Cold and raw the North did H:blow". W:Be merry, my friends, and list a while Unto a merry jest W:It may from you produce a smile When you heare it exprest W:Of a young man lately married Which was a boone goode fellow W:This song in's head he alwaies carried When drink made him mellow W:I cannot go home, nor will I go home It's long of the oyle of Barly W:I'le tarry all night for my delight And go home in the morning early W:--Humour, W:Wit and Satire (1647) F:http://trillian.mit.edu/~jc/music/abc/England/Playford/Stingo.abc K:GDor |: G2G d2B | cA2 F2F | G2G d2B | G3 B3 :| B2B B2A/2B/2 | c2c c2c |d2d g2g | d3 f3 | B2B B2A/2B/2 | c2c c>d_e | dc>B cA2 | G3 B3 |]
T:Cold and Raw
N:”Longways for as many as will.”
B:John Walsh – Complete Country Dancing-Master, Volume the Fourth
B: (London, 1740, No. 153)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
A4A2 c4d2|(e2f2)g2^G4G2|A4A2 e4c2|A6 c6||
c4c2 c4Bc|d4d2 d4d2|e4e2a4g2|e6g6|
c4c2c4Bc|d4d2d3ef2|e3d c2(Bc2)^G2|A4e4||
T:Cold and Raw
S:John Rook music manuscript collection (Waverton, Cumbria, 1840, p. 164)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
A2e e2d|efg G2G|ABc BAG|A3e3:|
c2c cdc|d2d ded|efg agf|e3a3|
c2c cec|def a2g|edc BAG|A3 e3||