Commodore Mitchell's Strathspey
X:1 T:Comodore [sic] Mitchell's Strathspey M:C| L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:John Gow – A Favorite Collection of Slow Airs, B:Strathspeys and Reels (London, c. 1804, p. 27) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F AB|c3F d3F c3F B3d|c3F {B}A2GF E2G2G2 AB|c3F d3F c2F2B2d2|E2FG G2AB AF3F2:| g2|{fg}a3g f3c df3 f3g|{fg}a3g f2c2 dg3 Tg3a|{fg}a3g f3c df3 cf3|B2cd G2AB AF3 TGF4| {fg}a3g f3c df3 f3g|{fg}a3g f3c dg3 g3b|a3b g3a f3g d3f|B2cdf G2AB AF3F2||