Cotillon de Stoneham
X:1 T:Cotillon de Stoneham S:Pit Jornoch/Pierre Verret (1863-1937) M:C| L:1/8 N:The first measure is played only at the beginning:repeats thereafter are N:indicated by the D.S. D:Jean-Marie Verret –"Rend Hommage à Pit Jornoch 1863-1937" (1990) D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D ffaf e2d2||SA2d2f3f|ggag f2e2|fafe d3e| ffaf e2d2|A2d2f2ee|e2a2 c3d |edcB AA3| [Bg]gag f2ee|fafe d4 |eefe d2e2|fefb a2ff| f2f2 fefb|agfe dcde|ffdf eAce|d3d dAAA|| a3a afed|B2G2 [G2B2] c2|B4 B2GB|d2 de dcBA| ^GABc defg |Obage dfAd ||f2gf e2 d2S| O"ending"bage d3A|BAFA A,2C2|D4 z4|]