Croton Hornpipe
CROTON HORNPIPE. American, Hornpipe. C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The title perhaps refers to the town of Croton, Weschester County, north of New York City, or its great aqueduct, first constructed in 1837 to meet the needs of a growing metropolis. A replacement aqueduct and reservoir was constructed in 1885, a few years after the publication of "Ryan's Mammoth."
Printed source: Cole (1000 Fiddle Tunes), 1940; p. 96. Ryan's Mammoth Collection, 1883; p. 130.
X:1 T:Croton Hornpipe M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S:Ryan's Mammoth Collection (1883) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C G | c/e/d/f/ e/g/f/a/ | g/e/f/d/ e/c/d/B/ | c/d/e/c/ f/e/d/c/ | BGG G | c/e/d/f/ e/g/f/a/ | g/d/e/B/ c/A/B/G/ | A/B/c/f/ e/c/d/B/ | ccc :| |: (e/f/) | g/e/f/d/ e/c/d/B/ | c/B/A/G/ A/G/F/E/ | f/d/e/c/ d/B/c/A/ | B/c/d/c/ B/G/A/B/ | c/e/d/B/ G/g/e/c/ | A/a/g/f/ e/d/c/B/ | c/a/g/f/ e/d/c/B/ | ccc :||
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