Dance (3)
X:1 % T:Untitled T:Dance [3] M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Schottische? N:the order of the parts is confusing. S:Anonymous 1862 American music manuscript collection (p. 15) N: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G (B/c/)|db ca|Bg g/d/B/G/|Fe e/d/c/A/|Bb a/g/f/g/| db ca|Bg g/d/B/G/|Fe e/d/c/A/|G(G/F/)G !fermata!:| |:A/A/|gfe A/A/|fed (^c/d/)|eB ^cA|d/e/f/g/ a/b/a/f/| gfe A/A/|fed (^c/d/)|eB ^cA|dd/^c/B/c/!D.C.!|| A|(d/f/)A df|(f/a/)d fa|(g/b/)e g^c|df/e/ d/c/B/A/| d/f/A df|f/a/d fa|g/b/e g^c|dfd:| (B/c/)|dbba|ag g/d/B/G/|Fe e/d/c/A/|Bb a/g/f/g/| dbba| ag g/d/B/G/|Fe e/d/c/A/|G(G/F/)G|| B/B/d A/A/e|d/^c/d/B/ bb|c/c/a A/A/f|g/f/g/e/ dd| B/B/d c/c/e|d/^c/d/B/ bb|ca Af|ggg:|