Did You Ever See the Devil Uncle Joe?
X:1 T:Did You Ever See the Devil, Uncle Joe? N:From the playing of fiddler Doc Roberts (1897-1978, Madison County, Ky.) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:Conqueror 6138b (78 RPM), Doc Roberts w. Asa Martin (1931) D:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/uncle-joe-0 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G (3DEF|G2Bc dBGA|B2 B2BcBA|G2 Bc dBGB|A2A2 AcBA| G2Bc dBGA|BcBA B2d2|edef gedc|BGA2 G2:| |:(3DEF|G2 g2 eg3|+slide+B3d B2(3DEF|G2g2 efg^g|a4 agfe| degd egg2|+slide+B3-A B2d2|e2f2 gedc|BGAF G2(3DEF:| G2 g2 eg3|+slide+B3d B2(3DEF|G2g2 edB2|A3A A2(2DEF| G2g2eg3|+slide+B3-A B2d2|e2f2 gedc|BGAF G2(3DEF||
X: 1 T: Don't You Want To Go To Heaven, Uncle Joe? S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "American Square Dances of the West and Southwest" S: Lee Owens and Viola Ruth "Advanced Square Dances of the West and Southwest" p.127 N: This is a variant of the Scottish "Miss McLeod's Reel" R: reel Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu> M: 2/4 L: 1/16 K: G |: "G"GABc dBGA | B2(BA) B2A2 | "G"GABc dBGB |"D7"A2(AB) A2z2 | "G"GABc dBGA | B2(BA) B2d2 | "C"e3d efgd | "G"B2A2 "G"G2z2 :| |: "G"G2g2 efgd | "G"B2(BA) B2A2 | "G"G2g2 efge |"D7"a3b a4 | "G"G2g2 efge | "G"B2(BA) B2d2 | "C"e3d efgd | "G"B2A2 "G"G4 :|
X:1 T:Untitled T:Did You Ever see the Devil, Uncle Joe? T:Miss McLeod's Reel [1] M:C| L:1/8 N:From an August 24, 1966, field recording of the playing of Fidel N:Martin (1891-1976) of Berlin N.H., originally from Rogersville, NB, recorded N:by folklorist Art Rosenbaum. Martin, a WWI veteran, had a repertory that N:consisted of Acadian, Irish, American and French-Canadian tunes. D:https://bmac.libs.uga.edu/index.php/Detail/objects/331506 F:UGA Brown Media Archives: identifier artrosen_0056 (Track 2 -22:23 on the tape) Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G cBA|:GABc dBGA|B2{c}BA BcBA|GABc dBGB|A2 AG AcBA| |GABc dBGA|B2{c}BA Bcdd|edef edef|1gedB AcBA:|2 gedB Ac (B/c/B)A|| |:G2gf ef g2|B2 {c}BA BdBA|GAgf ef g2|A2 AG AcBA| G2 {a}gf ef g2|B2 {c}BA Bcd2|e2 ef edef|{ga}gedB AcBA:|