Dry and Dusty (1)
X:1 T:Dry and Dusty [1] M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:Chirps Smith Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D |:AB|d2 [df]d edBA|[d2f2] +slide+[d2f2] edBA|d2[df]d edBA|[A2f2] ([A2a2][A2a2])AB| d2 [df]d edBA|[df]e[df]d edBA|d2((3BcB A)GFG|A2 (D2D2):| |:((3dcB|A2)FD EDDE|F2 (A2A2)AB|A2 FD EDDE|F2(E2E2)((3dcB| A2)FD EDDE|F2 (A2A2)((3ABc|d2)((3BcB A)GFG|A2 D2-D2 :|]
X:1 T:Dry and Dusty [1] M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Breakdown S:Absie Morrison (Landis, Arkansas) N:One of several tunes recorded by Judith McCulloh from the playing of Morrison, April, 1962. N:Currently housed in the Archives of Traditional Music at Indiana University (accession #62-4-28). N:Transcribed by McCulloh for her article "Uncle Absie Morrison's Historical Tunes," Mid-America N:Folklore 3 (Winter, 1975): 95-104. K:D d/e/ | gg/b/ ag/a/ bd dd/e/ | gg/b/ ag/a/ bd' d'd/e/ | gg/b/ ag/a/ bd/ b>a | b/a/g e/g/d/e/ gd d :| |: g/e/ || dB Bg/e/ dG Gg/e/ | d/c/B/c/ B>B AG Gg/e/ | dB Bg/e/ dG Gg/e/| d/c/B/c/ B>B AG G :||
X:1 T:Dry and Dusty [1] N:From the playing of Eck Robertson (1887-1975, Borger, Texas) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"Very Quick" N:This is really a fast listening tune, rather than a dance reel, as Robertson N:plays it. He "dwells" or takes an extra beat or a beat rest after the cadence N:at the end of each part, and elongates the slide into the beginning of each strain. N:DDad tuning (fiddle) D:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/dry-dusty-0 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D +slide+d3f e-fde|f-edf edBB|Ad2d df-ed|[M:5/4]faaa a2 [A4d4]| [M:C|]+slide+d3f e-ddd|aa2e- f3e|d2B2 ((3dBA) FA|[M:5/4]A2 D6 z2:| |:[M:C|]+slide+[d3d3]((3e/d/B/ A)FEF|D2[FA]F EDFE|D2 dB AFEF|[M:3/2]DEFD EDEF E2D2 | [M:C|][FA]-[A2A2](A/B/ A)FED| FA2d- defe |d2 B-d BAFB|A2 D6:||