Duck's Eyeball (2)
X:1 T:Duck's Eyeball [2], The S:Lauchlin Shaw (1912-1999, Harnett County, N.C.) M:C| L:1/8 D:Marimac 9064D, Lauchlin Shaw - Sally with the Run-Down Shoes (1996) F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G gf|g2G2 +slide+B3A|G2E2D3F|DEFG ABcd|e2d2d2gg| g2G2 +slide+B3A|G2E2D3F|DEFG ABcd|1 B2G2G2:|2B2G2G4|| +slide+E4+slide+E3D|EFGA +slide+B3A|+slide+B2[e2e2]+slide+B2[e2e2]|B2 Bc BAGF| E4E2EE|EFGA B4|gggg ffff|efe2 d2||
X:1 T:Duck's Eyeball [2] M:C L:1/8 Z:Transcribed by John Lamancusa K:G gf|:g2G2 AB2A|G2 (3EFE D4|DEFG ABcd|e2 dc d2gf| g2G2 AB2A|G2 (3EFE D4|DEFG ABcA|1 G4 G2gf:|2 B2 GF G4|| |:E4 E3 D|EFGA B4|B2e2B2e2|B2e2 BAGF| E4 E3D|EFGA B4|gf g2 fg f2|1 ef e2 d4:|2 ef e2 dd||