Edinburgh Castle (4)
X:1 T:Edinburgh Castle [4] M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Slow Air B:Earl of Eglinton – New Strathspey Reels for the Piano Forte, Violin and B:Violoncello (1796, p. 3) N:Hugh Montgomerie (1739-1819) was the 12th Earl of Eglinton N:and a fiddler-composer. His collection was anonymously N:published in Edinburgh by Nathaniel Gow in 1796. K:C c/d/|e>fe Td>cd|ecc c2 e/f/|gag {a}gfe|edd Td2 c/d/| e>fe dcd|ecc c2 e/f/|g>ag gec|Td>cd c2:| |:e/f/|g>ag (ge).c|(ge).c Tdce/f/|g>ag (ge).c|(ge).c !fermata!d3| {cBA}(Gc).c TcBc|(Gd).d d2 e/f/|g>ag gec|Td>cd c2:|]