Fair Sally lov'd a bonny seaman
Fair Sally lov'd a bonny seaman: annotations
X:1 % T:Fair Sally lov'd a bonny seaman M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Slow" N:”To be begun slow and increase in quickness to the last N:part but one, as the tune represents a Battle.” B:Oswald – Caledonian Pocket Companion, Book 11 (1760, p. 125) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Emin zBef|(g2 f)e^de|fB zcBA|(G2 F)EGA|B2 z Bef|(g2 f)efg| ad z gcB|(B2 A)adf|g3 BdB|(A2 ^G)=fed|c3 BcA| (a2 g)fge|Te2 !fermata!^d2 z2|e2 (BA/G/) AB|GE :| |: z B (e/g/)(f/a/)|g2 (e/g/)f/a/ Tgf/e/|bB z (g/e/) (d/B/A/)B/| G(F/G/) E(G/F/A/) (G/B/A/B/)|B2 zB (e/g/f/a/)|g2 fe (f/a/g/b/)| (a/f/)d z(g/f/) (e/d/c/B/)|(B2 A)(a/c'/) (b/a/g/f/)|g3 B (d/c/B/A/)| (A2 ^G)(d/=f/) (e/d/c/B/)|c3 (B/c/) (A/c/B/A/)|a2 (g/f/)(c'/b/) (a/g/f/e/)| T(e>^d/2e/4) d2 !fermata!z2|e>(f/2g/4) {c}(BA/G/) AB|GE :|]
X:532292 % T:Fair Sally lov'd a bonny Seaman C:"Set by Dr Green" S:England A:Dorset N:Transcribed from HAM-05-077.gif F:HAM-05-32-29.abc C:Transcibed to abc by PJHeadford M:3/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=100 K:Eb G c d|e3(d/c/) =B c|d G z A G F|{F}E3(D/C/) E F|G2zG c d| w:Fair Sal-ly lov'd a* bon-ny sea man, With tears she sent him* out to roam, Young Thomas e3(d/c/) d e|f Bz B A G|{G}F3 f B d|e2zG B G|{F}=E3 _d c B| w:lov'd no* oth-er wo-man, But left his heart with her at home. She view'd the sea from off the {B}A2zG A F|{d/e/}f3(e/d/) {f}e (d/c/)|H=B3zz2|c3G (F/E/) F G|E C z|| w:hill And while she turn'd her* spin-ning* wheel Sung of her* bon-ny sea-man. W: W:Transcribed from HAM-05-077.gif W:The MIDI file HAM-05-32-29a.mid plays this tune.