Fisherman's Island
X:1 T:Fisherman's Island T:Fisherman's Harvest T:Ed Reavy's T:Reavy's R:reel L:1/8 M:C| K:D "D"DEFA d2dA|"E7"BAGB "D"AFDF|GEED EFGA|"Em" (3Bcd ed "A"cAAg| "D"fd~d2 "A"ecAc|"D"~d3A BAGF|"A"EFGA (3Bcd ed|1 cAGE EDCE:|2 cAGE "D"EDD2|| |:"D"fd~d2 AF~F2|DFAd f2ef|"G"gece "A"bece|"D"dfed "A"cAGE| "D"DF~F2 Adfd|"G"Bg~g2 "A"edcB|"D"Adfa "Em"gbed|1 "A"cAGE "D"EDD2:|2 "A"cAGE EDCE||
T:The Fisherman's Island
C:Ed Reavy
Z:Joe Reavy
N:Ed believes that fishermen long to have their own island so
N:they can live surrounded by the sea they love.
N:This reel celebrates their quest for that elusive island home. It is
N:one of Ed's most popular compositions.
B, |: A,DFA d2 cd | BA^GB AFDF | (3GFD (3FED CDEF | GBed cBAg |
fd (3dcd edAc | dcdB AGFD | EFGA cded |1 cAGE FDEC :|2 cAGE FD E2 ||
|: fd (3ddd AF (3FEF | DFAd fdAf | gece bece | dfed cAGE | DF (3FEF Adfd |
Bg (3gfg edcB | Adfa gbed |1 cAGE FD D2 :|2 cAGE FDEC ||