Gigue irlandaises (1)

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 Theme code Index    11H1H1H 7b7b7b5
 Also known as    Gigue irlandaises No. 1
 Composer/Core Source    Isidore Soucy
 Region    Canada
 Genre/Style    Québécois/Acadian
 Meter/Rhythm    Reel (single/double)
 Key/Tonic of    A
 Accidental    2 sharps
 Mode    Mixolydian
 Time signature    2/2, 3/2
 History    CANADA(Québec)
 Structure    AA
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:Jean Duval
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:La Musique de Isidore Soucy (1899-1962)
 Tune and/or Page number    No. 1, p. 2
 Year of publication/Date of MS    2017
 Artist    Isidore Soucy
 Title of recording    Gigue irlandaises No. 1
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    Starr 15220a (78 RPM)
 Year recorded    1925
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:Gigue irlandaises No. 1 N:From the playing of Isidore Soucy (1899-1963, Montreal) N:A medley of reels, versions of "Molly Bawn's (2)," N:"Wild Irishman (2)," and "Mountain Hornpipe (1) (The)" M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:Play ABBBABBB'CDDCDDCDDED'F D:Starr 15220a (78 RPM), Isidore Soucy (1925) D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:Amix P:A Ac{e}a2abaf|[M:3/2]Sgagf ggdg ggdg|[M:C|]eceg a2 ef|gfeB cAA2| ecea abaf|[M:3/2]gagf g2[d2g2] bagf |[M:C|]eaab a2ef|[M:3/2]gfeB cAGA BG A2|| P:B |:e2cA eAcA eAce |[M:C|]d2BG d-BBB|e2 cA eAcA|1,2,EGGB ABcd:|3 EGGB ABcd||"Part A"ea a2 abafS| P:B' - last 'B' part before transition to next tune: e2cA eAcA eAce |[M:C|]d2BG d-BBB|e2 cA eAcA|BAGB A2A2|| P:C a2 af d2[d2f2]|Sfd[d2f2] eceg|fgaf d2[df]d |edce d2eg| fgfd [df]d|fd[d2f2] eceg|fgaf d2[df]d |edce d2eg|| P:D |:fedB AG[GB]G|AG[GB]G A2eg|fedB AG[GB]G|1Adce d2eg:|2Adce d2eg||"To 'C' part"fgaf d2[df]dS| P:E de|fdAF DFAF|DGBG A2de|fdAF DFAF|DGBG Adce d2eg|| P:D' fedB AG[GB]G|AGG[GB] A2de|fedB AG[GB]G|[M:3/2]AGG[GB] Adce d2dB|| P:F [M:2/4]GGBd |:[M:C|]g2fg ecAF|[M:3/2]AFAA DFAA DGBG|[M:C|] DGGG G2 Bd| [M:3/2]g2 fg ecAF G2 Bd |[M:C|]g2fg ecAF|[M:3/2]DFAF DFAA DGBG|[M:C|]DGGG G2Bd:||