Gin Ye Will Not Take Her
Gin Ye Will Not Take Her: Annotations
X:1 % T:Gin ye will not take her, turn her over to me M:3/2 L:1/8 B:Daniel Wright – Aria di Camera (London, 1727, No. 3) N:”being A Choice Collection of Scotch, Irish & Welsh Airs N:for the Violin and German Flute by the following masters N:Mr. Alex. Urquahart of Edinburgh, Mr. Dermot O'Connar of Limrick N:Mr. Hugh Edwards of Carmarthen” F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G G2B2G2B2G2 (Bc)|d2G2 (ed)(cB) A4|G2B2G2B2G2 (Bc)| d2(e2f2) g2d2 B4||g3a g2d2 B2 (AG)|d3 e (de)(dB) A4| g3a g2d2 B2 (AG)|(gf)(ga) b2 d2 B4||(gf)(ga) (gf)(ed) B2 (AG)| d2d2 (ed)cB A4|G3F EFGA B2d2|(ed)(ef) g2d2 B4||