X:1 T:Gorddinam M:C L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Andante" B:Edward Jones – Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards (1784, p. 74) F: https://s9.imslp.org/files/imglnks/usimg/7/72/IMSLP40016-PMLP87702-Jones_Welsh_Bards_1784.pdf Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Gmin V:1 G|[B3d3]-[ce] [Bd][Ac][GB][^FA]|Gffg cd e2|d>e fe/d/ c/=B/c/d/ ed/c/|dG TA>G G3:| |:B/c/|dBcA BABc|dBcA TB3-A|G2A2TB2 c2|Td3-e d>c B/c/d/e/| Tf3-g fe d2|Tc3=B cd e2|d>e fe/d/ c/=B/c/d/ ef|g2 T(A>G) G3:| V:2 clef = bass z|G,DB,C D3D|EDCB, A,B, C2|=B,>C D2E2C2|D2D,2 [G,,3G,3]:| z|B,2F,2D,2B,,2|B,2A,2 G,E,D,C,|B,,G,A,,^F, G,,G,A,,A,|B,,B,C,C [B,,3B,3]z| D,>C, B,,/C,/D,/E,/ F,3F,,|[E,,2E,2][D,,2D,2][C,,2C,2]A,,2|B,,2=B,,2C,2C,2|D,2D,,2 [G,,3G,3]:|