Hannah at the Springhouse
X:1 T:Hannah at the Springhouse N:From the playing of fiddler Melvin Wine (1909-2003, Copen, Braxton County, N:central West Virginia) on a Berea College performance video. N:Wine plays with a pronounced backbeat. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"Quick" D:https://soundarchives.berea.edu/items/show/7363 D:Marimac AHS-2 (cass.), Melvin Wine - Hannah at the Springhouse (1989) Z:Andrew Kuntz K:Amix [GA]-[AA]-|[AA]Bcd e2 ef|geaf edc2|A(Bc)d- e2ef|gea-g e4| J[AA]-[AB][Ac]d e2ef|geaf ed-B2|{B}=c4 E3-F|GB-AG EE E2| =c2AE- GB-AG|[M:3/2] EJ[A3A3] J[A4A4] [A4A4]||[M:C|]J[e4e4] efed| =c-^cAG E2 EF| GB-AG EE E2 |J=c2A2 GB-AG|(E[AA])[AA][AA] [A2A2]AB-| =cBcD E2F2|GB-AG EEE2|[E2=c2][E2A2]GB-AG|(E[AA])[AA][AA] [A4A4]||