Have You Seen My Valentine?
Have You Seen My Valentine?: Annotations
X:1 T:Have you seen my Valentine M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air N:"Very Slow" B:Bunting - General Collection of the Ancient Music of Ireland (1796, No. 57) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Gm B2B2(c^d)|e2 z2 ef|g4 (fe)|.e.d B2B2| g4 ag|f4 b2|(e>d B2) (de)|[A2f2]!fermata![G2e2]|| .f.e|(d2B2) .^c2|.d2 z2 (gf)|(e2 dc)(BA)|B2(G2E2)| G2G2 .B.G|F2F2 .A.F|E2E2 (=DE)|(F2E2)(fe)| (d2B2)^.c2|.d2 z2 (gf)|e2(dc) (BA)|B2G2!fermata!E2| G2G2.B.G|F2F2 .A.F|E2E2 (=DE)|TF2!fermata!E2||
X:2 T:Have you seen my Valentine? M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air B:P.H. Hughes - Gems from the Emerald Isle (c. 1860's, No. 46, p. 12) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Emin B2B2 c^d|e4 ef|g4 fe|Ted B2B2| [G4g4 [^ca]g|[d4f4]b2|e>d B2 de|{g}f2e2|| fe|d2B2^c2|d4 gf|e2 dcBA|B2G2 E>F| G2G2 BG|F2F2 AF|E2 E2 =DE|{G}F2E2||
X:1 T:Have You Seen My Valentine? M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air N:"Slow" S:O'Neill - Music of Ireland (1903), No. 592 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Emin B2B2 ^c^d|e4 ef|g4 fe|{e/f/}ed B2B2| g4 ag|f4 b2|e>d B2 ^de|{g}f2 e2||fe| d2B2^c2|d4 gf|e2 dcBA|B2G2 E>F| G2G2 BG|F2F2 AF|E2E2 ^DE|{G}F2E2||