Hell on the Potomac (1)
Hell on the Potomac (1): Annotations
X:1 % T:Hell on the Potomac (1) M:4/4 L:1/8 S:Thomas Hogg (1948), fifer, Greene County, Pa. R:Reel B:Bayard - Dance to the Fiddle, March to the Fife (1981, No. 252) K:G (3de/f|.g2 BG B2 BG|DEFA G2 AB|c2A2 ABAG|FGAB cdef| g2GG GBAG|DEFA G2 Bc|ddef gedd|BGAG G2|| [G,D]D|G,2 DD B,2 DD|G,B,Dd edBG|D2 AA F2AA|DF d2 edBA| [G,2D2]DD B,2DD|G,B, dd|edBG|D2 [Dd][Dd] A2 AB|dBAB G2||