Highland Watch (1) (The)
X:1 T:Highland Watch [1], The M:C| L:1/8 R:Slow Air B:Dow - Ancient Scots Music (c. 1775, p. 42) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Emin B/A/|GE T(ED/)E/ GEEE|GDD>B, {A,}D2(D>E)|GE TE(D/E/) GEEE|G>ABG TE3E| G>AB>G A>GB>G|EDG>(B, {A,}D2) (D>E)|D>EG>A BAG<Te|d<BTA>G E2E:| |:a|geTe>d geee|gdTd>B {B}d2 (d>e)|geTe>d ge e(g/e/)|dBTA>G E2-E>d| e>Bd>A B>GA<B|GEG>B, {B,}D2 (D>E)|D>EG>A TB>AG<e|dBTA>G E2-E:|]
X:2 T:Highland Watch [1], The M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey S:Gow - 1st Repository (1799) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Emin B|G<E E>F GEEc|G<E E>B, D2 D>B|G<E E>F GEE>F|G>ABG E3F| G>ABA {c}B>AGA|{GA}B>A GB, {B,} D2 DG/F/|E>FG>A B>AGe|{e}d>B {B}A>G E2E:| e/f/|{ef}ge e>f geeb|g>e{d}d>B {^c}d2 de/f/|geef gee>f|g>a {ga}b>g e2 e>f| g>a{a}b>a {ga}b>aga|{ga}b>a (a/g/)(f/e/) {e}d2 dg/f/|e>fg>a {ga}bgab|g>ef>^d e2 e>f| gee>f geeb|{f}g>e (e/d/)c/B/ d2 de/f/|ge e>f ge eB/^d/|e>B d>F {F}E2 D>F| G>ABd {c}B>A GA|{GA}B>A GB, {B,}D2 DG/F/|E>FG>A B>AGe|{e}d>B {B}A>G E2E||
X:1 T:Highland Watch [1], The, now the 42nd Regt. or Royal Highlanders M:C L:1/8 B:Duncan McKercher – A Collection of Original Stathspeys and Reels (Edinburgh, 1824, p. 13) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Emin B|G<ETE>F GETEc|G<ETE<B, {B,}D2 D>B|G<E TE>F GETE>F|TG>ABG TE3F| TG>ABA {c}B>AGA|{GA}B>A GB, {B,}D2 DG/F/|TE>F TG>A TB>Age|{e}d>B {B}A>G E2E:| e/f/|{ef}ge e>Tf geeb|g>e {e}d>B {^c}[F2d2] Tde/f/|geeTf gee>f|Tg>a {ga}b>g e2 e>g| Tg>a {a}b>a {ga}b>a Tga|{ga}b>a (a/g/)(f/e/) {e}[F2d2] dg/f/|Te>f Tga. {ga}bgab|g>e f>^d Te2 e>f| gee>Tf geeb|{a}g>e (e/d/).c/.B/ {B}[F2d2] Tde/f/|{f}ge e>Tf ge eB/^d/|e>B =dF {F}E2 E>F| TG>ABd {c}B>A GA|{GA}B>A GB, {B,}D2 DG/F/|TE>FTG>A TB>AGe|{e}d>B {B}A>G TE2 E||
X:1 T:Highland Watch [1], The M:C| L:1/16 R:March Q:"Slow" B:James Goodman music manuscript collection, vol. 4 (mid-19th century, p. 159) B: http://goodman.itma.ie/volume-four#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=163&z=891.9731%2C5350.5173%2C3488.002%2C1521.0237 N:Canon James Goodman (1828-1896) was a Church of Ireland clergyman, N:uilleann piper and a collector of Irish music and songs. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Emin B2|GE3E3D G2E2E2c2|G3EE3B, D4 D2B2|GE3 E3F G2E2E3F|G3AB2G2 E6F2| G3AB2A2 {c}B3AG2A2|{GA}B3A G2B,2 {B,}D4 D2GF|E3F G3A B3AG2e2|{e}d3B {B}A3G E6E2:| |:ef|{ef}g2e2 e3f g2e2e2b2|g3e {e}e3B {c}d4 d2ef|g2e2e2f2 g2e2e2f2|g2a {ga}b3g e4 e3f| a3a {a}b3a {ga}b2a2 g2a2|{ga}b3a agfe {e}d4 d2gf|e3f g3a {ga}b2g2a2b2|g2e f3^d {d}e4 e3f| g2e2e2f2 g2e2e2b2|{f}g3e e/d/c/B/ {B}d4 d2ef|g3e e3f g2e2 e2B^d|e3B d2F2 {F}E4 E3F| G3AB2d2 {A}B3A G2A2|{GA}B3A G2B,2 D4 D2GF|E3FG3A B3AG2e2|{e}d3B A2G2 E4 E2||
X: 64 T: the HIGHLAND WATCH [1] %R: strathspey B: Jean White "100 Popular Hornpipes, Reels, Jigs and Country Dances", Boston 1880 p.28 F: http://www.loc.gov/resource/sm1880.09124.0#seq-1 Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu> M: C| L: 1/16 K: Em % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B2 |\ GE3E3F G3EE3c | GE3E3B, D6 D>B |\ GE3E3F G3EE3F | G3AB3G E6 F2 | G3AB3A B3AG3A | B3AG3B, D4 D2GF |\ EG3G3A B3AG3e | dB3A3F E4 E2 :| |: ef |\ ge3e3f g3ee3b | g3e dcBA d4 d2ef |\ ge3e3f g3e e2Bd | e3B^d3F E4 E3F | G3AB3d B3AG3A | B3AG3B, D4 D2GF |\ E3FG3A B3AG3e | d3BA3F E4 E2 H:| % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -