Hills of Kesh (The)
Hills of Kesh (The): Annotations
X:1 % T:The Hills of Kesh M:C L:1/8 Z:Lesl F:http://www.lesession.co.uk/music/wf_update1.abc K:Amix |:e2AB cdeB|dzBD GABd|e2AB cdea|{ba}gedB BAA2:| |:a~a2b aged|cdef gzef|a~a2b agef|gedB BAA2| a~a2b aged|cdef gzfg|afge fdef|1 gedB BAA2:|2 gedB BAGE|A8||
X:2 % T:The Hills of Kesh C:Traditional N:Play 4 times N:The Armagh Set, figure 3, tune 2 of 3 D:Molloy, Peoples, Brady Z:Gordon Turnbull, Edinburgh Z:gturnbull@theflow.org.uk Z:http://www.theflow.org.uk R:Reel M:C L:1/8 F:http://theflow.org.uk/text/flow_armagh.txt K:ADor e2 AB cdec | dGBG dGBd | e2 AB cdea | gedB BA A2 :|| a2 ag aged | ^cdef g2 fg | a2 ag agab | gedB BA A2 | a2 ag aged | ^cdef g2 fg | afge fdef | gedB BA A2 |]
Hills of Kesh (The): Annotations