Holey Ha'penny
X:1 % T:Holey Halfpenny, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:Bruce & Stokoe - Northumbrian Minstrelsy (1882) K:G d|:B2G GBG|d2G GBG|B2G GBG|d3 edc| B2G GBG|d2c BAG|A2f fef|c3 edc:| |:B2g gfg|d2g B2g|B2g gfg|c3 edc| B2g gfg|d2g B2g|A2f fef|c3 edc:||
X:1 T:Holey Ha'Penny, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:Cocks - Tutor for the Northumbrian Half-Long Bagpipes (1925, No. 14, p. 11) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A e|:c2A {e}AcA|e2A {B}AcA|c2A {e}AcA|e3 fed| c2A {B}AcA|e2d cBA|B2g {a}gfg|d3 fed:| |:c2a {g}aga|e2a c2a|c2a {g}aga|d3 fed| c2a {g}aga|e2a c2a|B2g {a}gfg|d3 fed:|]
X:2 % T:Holey Ha'penny M:6/8 L:1/8 S:Our Northern Branch Repertoire R:jig O:'Our Northern Branch' Dance Band A:Northumberland B:Bewick's Pipe tunes N:This version as played by 'Our Northern Branch' - Bewick's early N:version is simpler Z:John Adams - Village Music Project K:G d2c |:~B2G GFG | dBG GFG | ~B2G GFG | de=f edc | ~B2G GFG | dBG GA_B | A2=f ede | (c3c) dc :| |:B2g ~gfg | B2d d^cd | B2g ~gfg | de=f edc | B2g ~gfg | B2d dcB | A2=f ede | (c3c) dc :||