Honorable Miss Rollo
X:1 T:Honorable Miss Rollo’s Reel, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:John Bowie – “Collection of strathspey reels & country dances &c.” B:(Edinburgh, c. 1789, p. 10) F: https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/104982527 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C V:1 f|e2 (ce) dBcG|AcGE D(ddf)|{f}e2 (ce) dBcG|AaTgf ecc:| e|gagf ecgc|Bcdc BGGe|gagf ecgc|fd (e/f/g) ecce| gagf ecgc|Bcdc BGGB|cGAF EFGf|egdf ecc|| V:2 clef = bass z|C,2E,2F,2E,2|F,2 E,C, G,,G,,G,,B,,|C,2E,2 G,F,E,C,|F,D,G,G,, C,C,C,:| z|E,F,E,D, C,D,E,A,|G,E,F,D, G,G,,G,,z|E,F,E,D, C,D,E,C|A,F, G,G,, C,C,C,z| E,F,E,D, C,D,E,A,|G,C,F,D, G,G,,G,,F,|E,CF,A, G,F,E,D,|C,E,G,G,, C,C,C,||
X:1 T:Honorable Miss Rollo, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:Glen Collection, vol. 1 (1891) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C f|e2 ce dBcG|AcGE Dddf|e2 ce dBcG|Aagf ecc:| e|gagf ecgc|Bcdc BGGe|gagf ecgc|fd e/f/g ecce| gagf ecgc|Bcdc BGGB|cGAF EFGf|egdf ecc||