How auld are ye my bonny lass
X:1 T:How auld are ye my bonny lass M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Quick Step B:William Gunn - The Caledonian Repository of Music B:Adapted for the Bagpipes (Glasgow, 1848, p. 80) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amix d|c>A A>B| GA Ad|c>A A/B/c/d/|e2 fe/d/| c>A A>B|GA Ad|B>A G/A/B/c/|d2 fe/d/:| |:c>e ef/g/|a>e fe/d/|c>e ef/g/|a>d ae/d/| c>e ef/g/|a/g/f/e/ g>d|B>A G/A/B/c/|d2 fe/d/:|]