I was blamed for sporting
X:1 % T:Thog iad orm gu’n robh mi mire, &c. T:I was blamed for sporting T:Bridge of Perth M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:William Gunn - The Caledonian Repository of Music B:Adapted for the Bagpipes (Glasgow, 1848, p. 40) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amix a|AA<eA cAfe|AA<ec ae c2|AA<eA ceAc|BdGB gdB<B:| Aaga caea|Aaga eA c2|Aaga caea|Bgfg dGB<B| Aaga caed|caga eAce|afge fdec|BdGB gdB<B||