Isle of Mull (The)
X:1 T:Isle of Mull, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:John Gow – A Favorite Collection of Slow Airs, B:Strathspeys and Reels (London, c. 1804, p. 3) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb f|(d/c/B/A/) BF DB,FD|ECed cGcA|BABF GBeg|(fedc)dBBc| d/c/B/A/ BF DB,FD|EC.e.d cGcA|BfdB G[Bb]eg|fdcd B/B/B B|| f|dbab fbdB|ecdB (Acc)e|dbdf efce|dfAc dBBf| dbab fbdB|ecfB AccA|BFD[A,F] GBEG|AcFe dBB||
X:1 T:Isle of Mull, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Edmund Lee – “Mrs. Parker’s Selection of Scotch Tunes, Strathspeys and B:Reels” (Dublin, n.d.—early 19th century, p. 1) N:The volume appears to be a reprint of a portion of John Gow’s A N:Favorite Collection of Slow Airs, Strathspeys and Reels (London, c. 1804) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb f|(d/c/B/A/) BF DB,FD|ECed cGcA|BABF GBfg|(fedc) dBBc| d/c/B/A/ BF DB,FD|ECed cGcA|BfdB GBeg|fdcd B/B/B B|| f|dbab fbdB|ecdB (Acce)|dbdf efce|dfcA dBBf| dbab fbdB|ecfB AccA|BFDF GBEG|AcFe dBB||