John McGuire
X:1 T:John McGuire M:3/8 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Moderato" B:J. Clinton – Gems of Ireland:200 Airs (1841, No. 108, p. 54) N:Irish-born John Clinton was a flute player and teacher at the N:Royal Conservatory, London. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G (B/c/)|(d>e).d|(dB).g|e2 (d/B/)|(A2G)|G2||(3d/e/f/|(g>f).g| (ef).g|(af).d|(e2d)|d2||(3d/e/f/|(g>f).g|(ef).g|(af).d| .e2.f|g2||(B/c/)|(d>e).d|(dB).g|.e2 (d/B/)|{B}(A2G)|G2||
X:1 T:John McGuire M:3/8 L:1/8 R:Air B:Smollet Holden - Collection of favourite Irish Airs (London, c. 1841; p. 1) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G B/c/|d>ed|d<Bg|e2 d/B/|A2G|G2||(3d/e/f/|g>fg | efg|afd|e2d|d2||(3d/e/f/|g>fg|efg|afd| e2f|g2||B/c/|d>ed|dBg|e2d/B/|A2G|G2||
X:1 T:John MacGuire T:Táiliúir an Mhagaig M:3/8 L:1/8 R:Air S:Goodman obtained the tune from the Swan Manuscript B:James Goodman music manuscript collection, Book 2, p. 51 (mid-19th century) B: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G B/c/|d>ed|dBg|e2 d/B/|A2G|G2||(3d/e/f/|g>fg |efg|afd|e2d|d2|| (3d/e/f/|g>fg|efg|afd|e2f|g2||B/c/|d>ed|dBg|e2d/B/|A2G G2||