Kitty Puss (1)
X:1 T:Kitty Puss S:Buddy Thomas (1935-1974, northeastern Ky.) M:C| L:1/8 D:Rounder 0032, Buddy Thomas - Kitty Puss (1976) F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G ef||g2e2d2BA|GBAG EGDE|G2Bd BGAG| ([FA]G)[DA]F D4| DGAB dcBA|GBAG [G,2E2][G,E]F|[G,2G2]Bd BGAG|EFGE D4|| DFA^c d2[F2d2]|A^c[ce]c defd|[e3e3]a fgaf|[M:3/2]g2ed BGAF G2[G2B2]| [M:C|]DFA^c d2[F2d2]|A^c[ce]c d2[df]d|[e3e3]a fgaf|[M:3/2]g2ed BGA(F G2)Af||
X:1 T:Kitty Puss M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Reel N:Transcribed by Carl C. Jones from the playing of Buddy Thomas. N:Chords are from the guitar back-up of Buddy's sister, N:Leona Stamm. Thomas repeated the first four bars of the 2nd strain N:sometimes, instead of playing the entire strain with the ending as transcribed. B:Old Time Herald, Fall 1992 (p. 31) K:G ef|"G"g2e2d2 BA|"E"GBAG EGDF|"G"G2 Bd BGAG|"D"FGAF [D4A4]| "G"DFA^c dcBA|"E"GBAG [E2B2] EF|"G"G2 Bd BGAG|"D"FGAF [D4A4]|| "D"DFA^c|d2 [d2f2] A^cec|defd [A2e2]-[Ae]a|"A"fgaf g2 ed|"G"BGAF G2[G2B2]| "D"DFA^c|d2[d2f2] A^cec|defd [A2e2]-[Ae]a|"A"+slide+b2a2g2 ed|"G"BGAF G2||