Knights of Saint Patrick (The)
X:1 T:Knights of Saint Patrick, The T:King of the Pipers, The R:jig H:There are 3 other tunes called "King of the Pipers": #66, #219, #307 Z:id:hn-jig-8 Z:transcribed by M:6/8 K:D dcd faf|dcd AFD|GBG FAF|EFG ABc| dcd faf|dcd AFD|GBG FAF|1 ECE D3:|2 ECE D2f|| ~a3 fdf|aba agf|~g3 ece|Ace gfg| ~a3 fdf|aba afg|afd bge|dAF D2f| ~a3 fdf|aba agf|~g3 ece|Ace gfe| dcd ede|fef gfg|afd bge|dAF D3||