Lord Blantyre
X:1 T:Lord Blantyre M:C L:1/8 C:Nathaniel Gow R:Strathspey B:McLachlan – Piper’s Assistant (1854, No. 30, p. 18) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amix d|c/d/e Ae c<e a2|Tf/e/d g2 BGGB|c/d/e Ae cea>f|gdBe Tc>AA:| d|ce a2 a/g/f/e/ g2|dBg>d B>AGd|c/d/e a2 g/f/e a2|gae>g aAAd| ce a2 a/g/f/e/ g2|B<dg>d TB>GGB|c>ed>f e>gf>a|g/f/e a>e c>AA||
X:1 T:Lord Blantyre’s M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:Joseph Lowe - Lowe's Collection of Reels, Strathspeys and Jigs, B:book 5 (1859, p. 1) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A e2|(cde2) (Ae3) ce3 a4|fd3 =g4 BG3G3B|(cde2) (Ae3) ce3a3f|=g3dBe3 cA3A2:| e2|(cde2) a4 (ag).f.e a4|Bd3 =g4 (BG3)G3B|(cde2) a4 gb3 a4|e3agb3 aA3A3e| (cde2) a4 (ag).f.e a4|Bd3 =g4 (BG3)GB3|c3ed3f e3=gf3a|^g3eae3 c2A2A2||
X:1 T:Lord Blantyre M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:Stewart-Robertson - The Athole Collection (1884) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion R:Strathspey K:A e|c<e A<e c<e a2|f<d =g2 B<=G G>B|c<e A<e c<e a>f|=g>d B>d e<AA:| e|c>e a2 a/g/f/e/ a2|B>d =g2 B<=G G>B|c>e d>f e>=g f>a|=g>ea>e c<AA||
X:2 T:Lord Blantyre’s Strathspey M:C| L:1/8 R:Strathspey B:Köhler’s Violin Repository vol. 2 (1881-1885, p. 134) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A e2|(c/d/e) (A>e) c<e a2|(f<d) =g2 (B<G)G>B|(c/d/e) (A>e) c<e(a>f)|=(g>d)B>e c<AA:| |e|(c/d/e) a2 .a/.g/.f/.e/ a2|(B<d) =g2 (BG)GB|(c/d/e) a2 (g<b) a2|(e>a)(g>b) a<AA>e|( c/d/e) a2 .a/.g/.f/.e/ a2|(B<d)=g2 (BG)GB|(c>e) (c>f) (e>g) (f>a)|(g<e) (a>e) (cA)A!D.C.!||